Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

165. Important Reminder About Marriage ( In Islam )

A happy marriage has two people, a man and woman who love each other, have a great deal of mercy between them and are committed to bringing out the best in each other. Like the plant, marriage needs regular nourishment too.

Many marriages are just for sleeping and waking up, raising kids and ageing together till death comes. This is not right. Marriage must be enjoyable and romantic.

-) Many couples hardly kiss and they only hug each other when they receive good news.

-) The husband only puts food in his wife's mouth only when she is terminally ill and can't feed herself.

-) If you see a man opening car door for his wife means the door is faulty.

-) The only thing that makes an african man touch his wife's neck is when she complains of fever. He wont touch it again till the next fever.

-) The only time he can carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour.

-) If you see them seated outside at night, don't think they are romantic. They are only waiting for the smell of insecticide to vanish.

-) Many wives buy gifts for their husbands only when they are hospitalized.

-) The only time they race together is when there is danger and everyone is running.

-) *The only time they go for evening stroll is when they want to go and lay a complain to the parents of the person that beat their child*

-) The only time they bath together is when both are late for work.

-) The only time a wife looks closely to her husband's eyes is when he complains of dirt in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Many people feel that any romantic man is being controlled by his wife. They will begin to spread bad rumours. Let us just change today for the better. Let us learn to love one another and enjoy the few days we have on earth together!


-) My dear sisters and brothers in Islam:

No matter how good of a person you are,you will never be good enough for someone who is ready for marriage, stop wasting time with a person who is not ready to meet or take you to meet the elders. Real love starts after nikkah.

We ask Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) to bless the marriages in the Muslim community and gather us with our families and spouses in Paradise, where the real wealth is, May He ( Subhanahu wa Ta’ala ) grants us All the true understanding.

Allahumma Ameen

-) My dear sisters and brothers in Islam : 

"You must value those who advice you and call you towards goodness, they are the ones pushing you towards Jannah."

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