Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Friday, April 3, 2020

29. Allah Has Created Us For A Purpose

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has created us for a purpose, all his creations goes through trials, tests, and tribulations. 

Those who undergo all these things are those who have evolved themselves truly. 

Even for a butterfly to fly and become an adult form, it has to go through various stages before it begins to fly. From being a caterpillar to being able to fly. Being cocooned in a nest to being able to fly. 

Even for a leaf to grow, from a tendril to a leaf it has to evolve itself despite the harsh winds, and the scorching of sun. 

Even for a flower to bloom, from being a bud to its blossomed form, it has to survive the pricking of thorns and the heavy falling of rain only then it would be able to be in an evolved form.

Every single thing that grows that Allah has created, either talking or non-talking, those who are fixed and movable, those who walk and those who fly, every single creature goes through their allotted sets of trials and tribulations, their tests only then they will be evolved as their true form, a mature and evolved form of itself. 

Even the carbon to become a diamond, it has to bear and enormous amount of heat to evolve itself into a diamond, and even after becoming a diamond it undergoes different levels of cuttings so that it gets evolved into something more worthy and more appealing and much more precious. 

The more trials and tests, the more tribulations a person undergoes it makes them worth more precious and worth living. 

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala elevates their position and ranking and worth. The Prophet's too didn't become Prophet with nothing, they had to go through so much to become a Prophet. 

And every successful person on earth goes through the same to become successful. 

Even the sperm, from a drop of semen and the ovum or egg has to go through different phases to evolve itself into a human form. 
The sperm, if it doesn't survive the internal environment and doesn't survive and pass through to reach the egg it won't evolve ever.

From tiny microscopic structure to big huge forms like whales requires evolvement. Everyone goes through their portion of tests and trials those who make it are those who will evolve truly. Even the sciences says that our creatures that were present years ago were different from the creatures that are present today. 

Those who survive amidst everything are those who truly evolve. So as humans, the best creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala we should evolve ourselves to a great extent. To an extent that we are perfectly moulded into a beautiful human form, the one who is evolved are worthy enough. 

And do you know what your worst is?

 Those who have survived everything and has become worthy of being a Jannati a person who is worthy of becoming a Jannati is the one who has truly evolved itself despite everything that has been thrown in its way. 

May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala grant us all ris form of evolvement, the evolution that would lead us to Jannah and maghteouke us all worthy of being Jannati. 

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